Wealth Mindset

Why Most People Aren’t Wealthy

why most people are not wealthy

Reason #1: Keeping Up With Neighbors and Friends

Ever wonder why so many of us find it hard to level up financially, despite earning decent paychecks? It seems that one culprit is our love for the bright lights of luxury. Picture this: we’re out there, your everyday earners, yet often we’re tempted to dazzle the world with shiny sports cars, to make statements with glamorous brands like Gucci, Prada, or Balenciaga. We strive to impress, to prove we’re doing more than just okay.

However, this dazzling dance of wealth, intriguing as it might be, often leaves our wallets feeling lighter than we’d like. That designer handbag or those pricey wheels can mean fewer dollars left over for things like investing in stocks, properties, or even our own personal development. This lifestyle, draped in the illusion of wealth, might make us feel on top of the world in the moment, but it rarely paves the way to sustained prosperity.

It’s essential to hit the pause button and reflect. Are these momentary flashes of glamour worth it, or should we aim for something that goes beyond just appearances? By steering clear of the “all show, no grow” lifestyle, we can start focusing on investments that will bring long-term financial growth and stability. After all, true prosperity is about more than what meets the eye, don’t you agree?

Reason #2: Overextending Financial Help

Another speed bump could be our innate generosity. It’s truly a beautiful thing to extend a helping hand to those around us, to share the fruits of our labor with those in need. However, if we’re always playing the role of the giving tree, we might find our own financial ground becoming shaky.

Finding that sweet spot between helping others and securing our own financial health is like mastering an art form. It’s about striking a balance, like a tightrope walker performing a delicate dance high above the ground. Our own financial goals and dreams – be they investing in lucrative assets, pursuing our lifelong visions, or safeguarding our future – need to take center stage in this balancing act.

So let’s remember, while our generosity lights the way for others, it’s equally important to shine some of that light on our own financial path. After all, as they say in every safety briefing, we must secure our own oxygen masks before assisting others. In the quest for wealth, a similar principle applies – taking care of our own financial well-being should be a priority.

Reason #3: Lack of Financial Knowledge

Sometimes our quest for wealth can feel like we’re trying to complete a puzzle with missing pieces. One such elusive piece might be – the power of financial knowledge.

It’s an unfortunate fact that many of us don’t get the financial education we need growing up. Sometimes, it feels like a game of telephone where nobody knows the original message – our parents, bless their hearts, often don’t have the know-how to manage money or build wealth. So, they pass down the same gaps in knowledge to us.

While chasing degrees and crafting rewarding careers are undoubtedly important, the art of financial management is a pivotal skill we often overlook. Universities tend to focus more on academic and professional growth, and less on how to navigate the sea of personal finance. And if our parents themselves are caught in the turbulent waters of financial struggle, it becomes that much harder for us to swim towards the shores of wealth.

So, what’s the answer? It’s time to become self-taught financial whizzes. Let’s break the cycle and learn the ABCs of money matters, from budgeting basics to investment insights. After all, financial literacy isn’t just about counting the money we earn but making our money count, right?

Overcoming Poverty Mentality and Gaining Financial Literacy Is Key To Our Progress

One possible roadblock could be a poverty mentality, while the fuel to accelerate might just be financial literacy.

Often, we get so caught up in spending our earnings to impress others or to give ourselves short-term pleasure, we neglect the golden opportunities to invest and grow our wealth. Be it stocks, real estate, or other fruitful assets, these are the pathways that lead to financial growth and security.

We’ve all seen the heart-wrenching ripple effects in our communities when a loved one leaves us, without having any financial safety nets in place. The burden of unpaid debts, the daunting costs of even a modest funeral – it’s a legacy of strain and worry we wouldn’t wish on anyone.

But what if we turned the tables? What if we took the time to learn about life insurance, to understand the ebbs and flows of the stock market, to gain control of our financial future? Knowledge truly is power, especially when it comes to our finances.

By switching gears from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mentality, armed with a robust financial education, we can drive towards a better future. It’s about making decisions that not only benefit us today, but also leave a positive, lasting impact for the generations that follow. After all, isn’t that a legacy worth striving for?


Well, it looks like we’ve journeyed through some important terrain together today, doesn’t it? As we pack up our thoughts, let’s make sure we’ve got these key takeaways tucked away safely: boost our financial wisdom, sidestep the glitzy trap of lavish show-off, and juggle our generosity towards others with the care for our own financial well-being.

Our mission? To shatter the invisible walls of poverty mentality and march steadfastly towards constructing our own fortress of wealth. And remember, we’re not just building for ourselves but also for those who will walk in our footsteps.

I hope our little exploration today has sparked new ideas and served as a compass to steer you toward prosperity. But don’t worry, this isn’t the end of the road. Consider this the beginning of a great conversation, an ongoing dialogue that can continue to illuminate our paths.

So, here’s to our shared journey and to the wealth of wisdom and prosperity that lies ahead! Let’s keep this dialogue flowing, shall we?

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Create Wealth Online

Quick Story About Wealth Creation

~Theodore Johnson worked full-time for UPS but never made more than $14,000 per year and yet, in his old age, was worth more than $70 million. When he said he had no money to save, a friend told him that if he were taxed, the money would be taken out of his account and he’d never see it. So he created a tax for himself to make him wealthy. Even though he earned little, he took 20 percent of his income and it went straight into an investment account. Over more than five decades, that compounded to make him $70 million!!

Moral of the story? To create wealth online, you need to pay yourself first and put the interest to work.

create wealth online

There has never been more interest in creating wealth online. What happens to the people in a country when their cash gets re-evaluated? It happened two times in Germany. The people in Venezuela woke up to find their money worth half as much as the day before! Cyprus had its banks and ATMs shut down.

EVERYONE needs “Financial Wealth Insurance” for their well-being and the option to get paid in a currency that doesn’t become WORTH-LESS.

Why do we even have a debt ceiling? Can we solve our debt problems by borrowing more money to pay off old debts? Doesn’t that just create more debt? Do they know the difference between deficit and debt? Why are countries going bankrupt? Did you know when more money is printed in the US .. it affects the world’s economy? Obviously, the printing presses are out of control.

We can’t vote our way out of the fiat currency mismanagement of the past 50 years. But, thanks to technology and digital energy, we can seek alternatives to solve the problem for ourselves … then others.

Once you understand this it becomes obvious. Especially when you realize central governments and banks cannot change their own system for the greater good. All they are doing is finding ways to excuse themselves.

The only solution is to seek financial education and own global assets stores of value not reliant on fiat (or CBDCs).

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