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Ditch the Treasure Maps, Discover Your Online Gold Mine: Generate Extra Income from Anywhere

How Much Is 1 Cent Doubled For 30 Days? Watch the two videos to figure out how to do it.

Gone are the days of perilous expeditions for financial freedom. Forget dusty maps and mythical creatures; the modern treasure trove lies within the endless possibilities of the online world. Here, at, we’re not just searching for riches, we’re building thriving empires – and we’re inviting you to join us.

No need to risk life and limb in the pursuit of wealth. Here, the adventure is digital, the tools accessible, and the rewards tangible. Whether you dream of supplementing your income or crafting a whole new career path, our vibrant community equips you with the knowledge, resources, and support to unlock your earning potential, at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.

tatterd treasure map

So, ditch the tattered maps and antiquated notions of fortune hunting. Join us on a journey of exploration, collaboration, and empowerment, where the “X” marks your path to a fulfilling and financially secure future. Are you ready to discover your online gold mine? Dive in and explore the endless possibilities that await!

The Two Paths to Exponential Income Growth: Which Adventure Will You Choose?

So, you’re curious about what we do? Well, that depends on the kind of adventurer you are!

Option (1) We leverage capital. (Concept: Video 1)
Option (2) We leverage working hours. (Concept: Video 2)

Option 1: Are you a visionary, a strategist, a financial whiz? Do you dream of building something bigger than yourself, creating systems that work while you sleep? If so, then the capital leverage path might be your perfect fit.

Imagine turning your initial investment into a powerful engine, acquiring assets that generate income passively.

Option 2: Leverage Your Time, Craft Your Freedom (Video 2)

Perhaps you value flexibility, time freedom, and the ability to design your own work schedule. If that sounds like you, then the working hours leverage path might be calling your name.

In this scenario, you’re trading your time for income, but on your own terms.

Whichever path resonates with you, the journey starts here. We provide the information, resources, and community support you need to thrive in the online income generation world. So, which adventure will you embark on? Let’s explore the possibilities together!

Option (1) Make Your Dollars Work Like Machines

Imagine turning even small investments into income-generating powerhouses. Ditch the hamster wheel and join us on a journey where your dollars become tireless laborers, bringing you closer to your dreams – dollar by dollar, machine by machine.

Video: 1) Financial Finesse: Where Dollars Do The Grunt Work

Start with pennies. 1) Click here 2) Look for the blue “Contact Me” button to get more information automatically.

Your Dollars Working Like Machines

The Magical Power Of Compounding and Exponential Growth

Compounding a Penny vs. Earning $10,000 Every Day

We are not just about earning money but letting it multiply. “The Sooner You Get Started, The Better”. Starting with mere pennies, exponential growth over time leads to substantial gains! First video: Compound efforts without money. Second video: Compound with money.

Few think about it: How Long Does It Take For Most People To Double Their Savings?

We can use the “Rule of 72” as a guide. (Explained in the “Get Rich Quick video” below) … Applying this rule to a 3% growth rate, (401Ks) simply divide 72 by 3, and the result is 24. Thus, it would take approximately 24 years for a 401k to double in value with a 3% return.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to wait that long!

A Life Vest For The Poor – A Speed Boat For The Middle Class

[Optional] We have a “Brilliant Compensation Plan” which Leverages Time. We use it to maximize Earnings in exchange for minimal work:

Ever wished there were more than 24 hours in a day? Or fantasized about cloning yourself just so you could catch up on the never-ending to-do list? Well, step right up and meet our Brilliant Compensation Plan, where your time gets a productivity power-up! But a word of caution: while some people master the art of leveraging time, others might feel like they’ve accidentally thrown a live cat into the mix. Meowch!

Video Number 2

Leverage Working Hours

Video (2) Guard the Mystery or Ignite a Movement

What if you could work less, earn more, and finally be in control of your time and income?

In Video 2: Leverage Working Hours, we unveil a powerful strategy that’s like owning a mini-franchise, but without the hefty upfront costs or franchise fees. It’s a system designed to give you the freedom and flexibility you crave, all while generating income that grows with your efforts.

But here’s the catch: this opportunity won’t be for everyone. Are you ready to guard the mystery and keep this knowledge to yourself, or are you ready to ignite a movement and share it with the world? Watch the video now and discover what awaits you on the other side.

Video: 2)

Start with pennies. 1) Click here 2) Look for the blue “Contact Me” button to get more information automatically.

Congrats! Next Level

Woohoo! You’ve crushed those two videos and unlocked the secrets of making your money work for you! Now, are you ready to take things to the next level and become a full-blown money-whisperer?

In the bonus round video, we’ll unveil a strategy that’s like handing your money a superhero cape and unleashing its full potential! Imagine: your cash, soaring through the financial stratosphere, multiplying like bunnies, and bringing you closer to your dreams faster than ever before.

But wait, there’s more! The next video in the series (after the testimonial) dives into the not-so-secret ways “they” program us to play by their rules and keep us stuck in the rat race. But fear not, money-whisperer! You’ll be grinning from ear to ear when you discover how to turn the tables and use their own tactics to your advantage.

So, are you ready to join the money-whispering revolution? Click on the videos below and let’s rewrite the script on your financial future!

Next Step

Get in touch with me, and I’ll send more information about the company, the money-generating activities, and the support.

We have thriving partners around the world from 18 to 95 years old.

Common questions:

Q: Is this one of those things where the guy at the top always makes the most money? …. Like every other corporation, military complex or non profit organization in the world?

No. You can make more money now than those who started three years ago if you put in more effort.

Q: Is this one of those things where I need to pay money to get started? No. But “if you put 300 in and got 900 out, how much would it cost?” Seriously though, You may want to invest a little to give yourself an advantage. (Less than a tank of gas you would need to get to work.)


Lorna from Canada. Sold her business. Was in finance for 30 years:

We Revolutionize Success: Marrying The Above Tried-and-True Concepts with Cutting-Edge Technology.

Congratulations, you’ve mastered the fundamental concepts!
Are you ready to explore more?
No strings, no commitments, no obligations.
Call or text:

I’m a recovering Life Coach
living In Pa and I’m embracing
my 50s with enthusiasm!
570 721 1583 Eastern Time

Join our weekly automatic income-building club!
1) Click here.
2) Look for the blue “Contact Me” button.

Wan’t To Help us out?

Take the One-Minute Survey”
What’s more important to you:
Security, Financial Freedom,
Time Freedom?

Life Is Too Short To Pursue Wealth At A Leisurely Pace; Instead, Now Is The Best Time To Explore Ways To Achieve Abundance Quickly

Imagine this: while most people work their entire careers to accumulate a million dollars, there are those daring individuals who play an entirely different ballgame. They achieve the unimaginable, not in a lifetime, but within a single year!

It’s like witnessing a mind-blowing magic trick that leaves you in awe and wonder. These go-getters have cracked the code to rapid success, seizing opportunities that others might miss, and unleashing their full potential to soar to new heights.

So, if you’re ready to break free from the ordinary and dive headfirst into the extraordinary, buckle up! The journey to million-dollar milestones in just one year awaits, and it’s time for you to join the ranks of these exceptional trailblazers.

Who knows, with the right mindset and determination, you might just be the next one to turn the tables and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams! Are you up for the challenge? Let’s make this year the game-changer you’ve been waiting for!

Education they don’t teach in schools

Compound interest works like a wondrous money tree that flourishes with time. The earlier you initiate its growth, the mightier it becomes.

“The MAGIC Of Compounding .. the 8th wonder of the world!” ~Albert Einstein

Every Week, an Income Power Surge.

In today’s economy, getting closer to our maximum income potential is crucial. The challenge lies in effectively utilizing our time and finances to turn our aspirations into reality.

Our mission is to redefine limits, raise awareness, and ignite hope when it comes to accelerating income. We firmly believe that being open-minded is the first step towards unlocking your full earning potential. (Video #1)

By embracing innovation, staying adaptable, and leveraging cutting-edge strategies, individuals are empowered and businesses break through barriers and achieve remarkable results. Our proven methodologies provide a roadmap for success, empowering you to significantly increase your income on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

We get to leverage our time and acquire cheap assets that pay weekly.

“This system helps your money have babies: Multiplying like bunnies!!”

~Ms Mason

Are you ready to explore the next step? Call or text Kristal: 570 721 1583. WhatsApp Email

Join our email list to stay in touch and for exclusive insights – Be part of a community that’s growing and learning together!
Join Here *Click on the blue “CONTACT ME” button.

Reprogram Your Financial Destiny – Overcoming the Cultural Hypnosis

The “Poverty Programming Trap” refers to the subconscious beliefs and programming that dictate a person’s behavior, often leading to failure rather than success.

This programming is often not chosen by the individual but is instilled by society, including education, media, and family, creating a “failure operating system” in the mind.
Success is difficult to achieve with this failure mindset because it conflicts with the subconscious programming, leading to resistance against concepts that could lead to wealth and success.

Changing this programming is compared to updating an old computer’s operating system; it’s a long and challenging process that requires consistent effort and exposure to new ideas.

Societal structures, including media and government, intentionally maintain this poverty programming to keep people controllable, and overcoming it requires intentional reprogramming of one’s mindset.

“This is absolutely true! I was homeless and broke 4 yrs ago. I changed my mind set and made my first million last year! Money definitely don’t work like we were taught in school.”

Our society ingrains a tendency to be closed-minded within us. Let’s challenge this programming and cultivate open-mindedness instead.

Being receptive to new ideas leads to personal growth and a more inclusive society. Together, let’s break free from societal limitations and foster a culture of open-mindedness!

Compound interest works like a wondrous money tree that flourishes with time. The earlier you initiate its growth, the mightier it becomes.

“The MAGIC Of Compounding .. the 8th wonder of the world!” ~Albert Einstein

Weekly Income in the Fast Lane

In today’s economy, getting closer to our maximum income potential is crucial. The challenge lies in effectively utilizing our time and finances to turn our aspirations into reality.

Our mission is to redefine limits, raise awareness, and ignite hope when it comes to accelerating income. We firmly believe that being open-minded is the first step towards unlocking your full earning potential. (Video #1)

By embracing innovation, staying adaptable, and leveraging cutting-edge strategies, individuals are empowered and businesses break through barriers and achieve remarkable results. Our proven methodologies provide a roadmap for success, empowering you to significantly increase your income on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

We get to leverage our time and acquire cheap assets that pay weekly.

“This system helps your money have babies: Multiplying like bunnies!!”~Ms Mason

Are you ready to explore the next step? Call or text Kristal: 570 721 1583. WhatsApp


Exclusive Insights Just One Click Away: Sign Up Today! Not on my email list yet? Join here and never miss an update. Join here

The Network Marketing Model: The Most Misunderstood – And Profitable – industry in the world

Other Examples Of Leveraging Time/Doing A Job One Time and Getting Paid Over and Over

In today’s digital age, opportunities to make easy money abound!

You-tubers – For YouTubers, You-tubers – Upload a video one time, get paid from ad revenue over and over again.

Bloggers – Create an automated website, get paid over and over. (From sales or ad exposures)

Create a How to guide (PDF) and sell it on Amazon
How about creating a comprehensive How-To guide (PDF) and selling it on Amazon? It’s an excellent opportunity to share valuable knowledge and make some easy money at the same time.

Micro Franchise Owners

  • A Micro Franchise Owner could have an army of people working for them. The owner could work eight hours but get thousands of work hours done in a single day.
  • Low Initial Investment: Micro franchises typically require a lower initial investment compared to larger franchise opportunities. This makes them more accessible to aspiring entrepreneurs with limited capital.
  • Established Brand and Support: Micro franchises operate under an established brand, which gives them a recognized reputation in the market. Franchise owners receive ongoing support, including training, marketing assistance, and operational guidance, from the franchisor.
  • Proven Business Model: Micro franchises offer a tested and proven business model that has already demonstrated success. This reduces the risks associated with starting a new business from scratch and increases the likelihood of profitability.
  • Reduced Risk: Since micro franchises operate within a proven framework, the risk of failure is generally lower compared to independent startups. The franchisor’s experience and expertise can help mitigate risks and increase the chances of long-term sustainability.
  • Access to Supply Chains: Micro franchises often benefit from established supply chains, enabling them to secure products or services at competitive prices. This can help lower operational costs and increase profit margins.
  • Marketing and Advertising Support: Franchise owners typically receive marketing and advertising support from the franchisor. This assistance can include national or regional advertising campaigns, branding materials, and access to marketing strategies and resources.
  • Training and Continuous Education: Franchisors provide comprehensive training programs to ensure franchisees have the necessary skills and knowledge to run their businesses effectively. Additionally, ongoing training and educational opportunities are often available to keep franchise owners updated on industry trends and best practices.
  • Network and Collaboration: Being part of a franchise network allows micro franchise owners to connect and collaborate with other franchisees. This networking can provide valuable insights, shared experiences, and support, fostering a sense of community.
  • Streamlined Operations: Micro franchises often benefit from standardized operating procedures and systems developed by the franchisor. This streamlines day-to-day operations and allows owners to focus on running their businesses efficiently.
  • Growth Opportunities: As a micro franchise owner, there may be opportunities to expand your business by opening additional franchise units or upgrading to a larger franchise format. This scalability can lead to increased profitability and long-term growth.

Looking for a superstar employee? – Look no further than your money! Put it to work and watch it grow effortlessly. Your money has the potential to be the best employee you’ve ever had.

Are you ready to explore the next step? Call or text Kristal: 570 721 1583. WhatsApp


Exclusive Insights Just One Click Away: Sign Up Today! Not on my email list yet? Join here and never miss an update. Join here

freedom coach

Life’s Too Short to Stay Still: Adventure Beckons, Answer the Call to Explore Freedom!

Why settle for a fixed monthly salary when you can earn the same in just one day? Explore the potential of cheap assets that generate weekly rewards and open the doors to a life of abundance. Cheap assets that pay weekly in a world where one day’s work can be worth a month’s pay.

With more time on your side, you can create a positive impact in all aspects of your life.

We’re committed to creating a community of driven individuals who believe in the power of growth, collaboration, and continuous learning. Join us in redefining limits, raising awareness, and igniting hope for a brighter future. Together, we can unlock our true potential and pave the way for remarkable income acceleration.

Explosive income potential; Stunning profit share rewards

Are you ready to take a giant leap towards massive success? Connect with me to explore how. We can help you optimize your time and money for daily, weekly, and monthly growth. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together! 🔥

About me/opportunity summary:

I have made significant investments in my education and professional certifications. I borrowed $12,000 to get my Associates Degree in Engineered Drafting in 1994, (Penn State University) I borrowed $3,200 to become a Certified LifeCoach and an additional $2,900 to be a Certified Healthcare Documentation Specialist (Medical Transcriptionist), plus a whole library of self-help/business books.

Let me share with you the valuable insight I gained from these experiences. Sometimes, the most transformative opportunities require an initial investment!

To me, at the age of 50 it’s all about finding the right ‘thing’ that can leverage my limited resources in the shortest amount of time. I firmly believe this is the optimal moment to take action.

Considering the substantial investments I have made
in the past, I clearly understand the importance of
personal growth and the potential it holds for our

This game changing system has been designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge to make the most
out of your free time and money!

Join the community. Gain access to a wealth of expertise and acquire assets that can significantly enhance your life and

They say your worth is the average of the five people around you. So shouldn’t we surround ourselves with inspiring individuals who uplift and challenge us to reach new heights?

We have an opportunity to tap into the wisdom of 6 and 7 figure earners who have already walked the path to success. … To literally rub shoulders with them! (Zoom is more convenient though)

While it’s understandable to be cautious, or even burnt out on opportunity offers … I encourage you to consider the potential rewards and long-term benefits that this game changing system can offer.

By leveraging your time and savings wisely through this ultimate system, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions and secure a brighter future.

Remember, sometimes the ultimate opportunity
requires a small investment upfront to unlock extraordinary rewards. (The costs is less than a tank of gas if you want to go all in.)

I believe that based on our shared peer experiences and research, this system has the potential to provide you and your family with the ultimate leverage you’re seeking to optimize your time and savings.

~Kristal Alexander

PS My husband Ben has been self employed most of his life. (Since 1987) He was a contractor, website builder, investor/trader, (how we got our house), and made money with many affiliate agent type opportunities. (Amway, SMC, Watkins, long distance phone plans, discount grocery and product programs, GVO, SFI, GDI, Melaleuca, etc) His comment on this opportunity is: “There has never been anything like this … The rewards are stunning! The support and everybody’s energy is amazing.”

Are you ready to explore the next step? Call or text Kristal: 570 721 1583. WhatsApp


Exclusive Insights Just One Click Away: Sign Up Today! Not on my email list yet? Join here and never miss an update. Join here

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will!

It all starts with belief. Unlock Instant Earnings With Us and Automatic Weekly Rewards. No doubts, just results. Plant small seeds for modest gains or sow abundantly for a bountiful harvest. The choice is yours; the rewards are ready. There’s a universe beyond the 9-to-5, where money flows effortlessly, and freedom isn’t just a dream. DON’T JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. These books highlighted here are your passport to this realm: World Famous books about passive income

Radically Alter Your Life’s Course by Mastering the Art of Selling

coach kristal selling tips
Art Of Selling

Today, I want to share a powerful insight that has the potential to turn your life around. Often, the last place we look for personal growth is in learning to sell, yet it’s here where some of the most transformative opportunities lie.

Selling = Self-Improvement + Rewards!

Think of learning to sell as getting paid for self-improvement. It’s a journey that hones not just your professional skills but also your personal attributes. Each sales experience teaches resilience, empathy, communication, and adaptability – key qualities for success in any walk of life.

Unlock Unlimited Opportunities!

The beauty of mastering sales lies in the unlimited opportunities it unveils. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or climbing the corporate ladder, the skills you acquire in selling can open doors you never knew existed. Every interaction becomes a chance to learn, grow, and succeed.

Key Takeaway: Embrace the Challenge!

If you’ve been overlooking the power of sales skills, now’s the time to embrace this challenge. Dive into the world of selling with an open mind. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll grow, not just in your career but in your personal life too.

Remember, every master was once a beginner. Start your journey today, and watch as your life transforms in the most unexpected and rewarding ways!

Important Disclaimer: I want to emphasize that I am not a licensed financial advisor and do not possess any professional certifications or licenses. The insights I share are purely for educational purposes and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Please be aware that investing carries inherent risks. Any choices made relying on the information provided are entirely at your own discretion and risk. Before making any financial decisions, it is essential to consult a licensed financial advisor or another qualified professional. Your financial future deserves expert guidance!