Wealth Building

Network Marketing Wealth Building Project

Embarking on a journey of wealth building is a venture that holds the promise of financial transformation. Here, we present the Wealth Building Project, a remarkable opportunity that has been unfolding since Dec. 2020 and continues to blossom.

What makes this project truly exceptional is its commitment to providing an extraordinary income opportunity to ordinary individuals.

In the year 2023, we’re thrilled to offer not just the promise of financial growth but also the invaluable resources of free coaching, free mentoring, and unwavering support. This is not just about individual success; it’s about thriving within a generous global community of like-minded individuals all striving for prosperity.

Join us as we explore the limitless potential of this journey and the boundless opportunities it presents for you to shape your financial future.

Network Marketing: Salvation for millions of people

  • Get paid for life for a few simple actions you take today
  • Accumulate generational wealth while getting paid daily, weekly & monthly
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  • Free mentoring and live support
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Some People Have A Hard Time Making Enough Money To pay For The Things They Need

In today’s economy, it can be difficult for ordinary people to make ends meet. Many struggle to make a living wage, and it can be challenging to find an income opportunity that is both reliable and profitable. Fortunately, there are several extraordinary income opportunities available for ordinary people that can help them make ends meet and achieve financial freedom.

How about you

It’s A Time Of Uncertainty And Crises, But Also A Time Of New Beginnings And Great Opportunity. We Invite You To Step Forward With Us Into A New Era Of Economic Expansion.

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🌟 Witness the magic of weekly wealth-building! Mr. Johnson’s money didn’t sit idle; it grew exponentially every 7 days. 🌱🚀 Learn the art of compounding and let your wealth flourish. Mr Johnson’s Ultimate Wealth Building Project #ExponentialGrowth #FinancialMagic

coaching Life Coaching

How does online life coaching work

howdoesonlinelifecoachingworkYou have probably heard people talking about life coaching and are curious about it.  Life coaching is to help you get clarity, insight, and focus on things that are important to you right now and in the future.  They are your partner, sounding board, motivation, unconditional support, co-designer, and wake-up call.  Life coaches work in person and/or online, in retreats and/or in groups.  So how does online life coaching work?  With online coaching, I typically call the client for a session.  My sessions run from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, 3 times or 2 times a month, but that can vary from life coach to life coach.  The client decides what they want to cover in a session, for example how to achieve personal goals and the session proceeds.  Online life coaching is convenient for both the client and the coach.  It also allows the client to fit coaching into their busy schedule.  Is life coaching for you?  Try my complimentary discovery session and see.

Online Life Coaching Sample

The following is an online life coaching example.  My client’s name is Jane.  When Jane got in touch with me I gave her the option of I call her home phone or cellphone or I call her on Skype.  For her convenience, she chose her cellphone for me to call her.  This was our first 45-minute session.

It is 7:59 a.m. and I am dialing Jane’s number for our call scheduled at 8 a.m.  Hello!  Hi Jane, this is Kristal.  How are you?  Hi Kristal!  I am okay.  How are you?  I am great.  Nice to meet you.  Yes, nice to meet you too.  What would you like to work on in our 45 minutes today?  I want to get healthy.  I know I should eat better, but I am not sure where to start.  Okay, what are you currently eating?  Well I have cereal for breakfast and lunch is usually leftovers from dinner the night before and then for dinner, I usually make hamburgers or chicken and some sort of side dish that comes in a box.

What snacks are you eating?  Sometimes in the afternoon, I will hit the vending machine for a soda and a candy bar or chips.  I also have a bag of chips at home and sometimes cookies or crackers I munch on at night around dinner.  What is your definition of eating better?  Well, I know soda and junk food are bad for me, but I also think I should get more veggies and fruits in my diet.  I have been looking at a plant-based diet and am not sure how to go about that.  What veggies do you like the most?  Let’s see I like green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, and cauliflower.  How do you eat them now?  Well, I don’t usually.  I eat those boxed side dishes so unless they are in there I am not eating them.

Okay so, do you make anything from a recipe?  Yes, there are a few things I make from recipes.  Where do you get your recipes?  I have a bunch of cookbooks I have gotten over the years.  How about going through your cookbooks and looking for recipes specifically for those veggies you mentioned that you like?  I could do that this week.  Yeah wow, that is something I can do.  Okay now how about changing out some of those side dishes for those veggie recipes you find this week?  Well, I can give it a try.  Yeah, I do like trying new recipes and I do have a lot of cookbooks.  That never even crossed my mind.  Wow!

So Jane we have about 10 minutes left in our session.  Do you want to continue with this topic or would you like to end it here for today?  Well, I think I am good for today.  I can work on some new recipes this week with veggies and stop using some of those boxed side dishes.  Yeah, this is definitely a place I can start with.  I can do this.  Okay then we will talk next week same time and you can tell me how this is working for you.  Yes!  Thank you so much, Kristal.  This has been amazing.  I can’t wait to speak with you next week.  Take care now, bye.  Bye Jane have a good week.

Online Life Coaching

Now keep in mind this is an example.  Your session with me may be similar but the topic for that session can be way different for you.  Each session I conduct is around the topic you wish to work on at that time.  If you work through that topic and there is time left in our session, then we can start on another topic if you want to.  If you would like a complimentary session you can leave me a message on my contact form.  Looking forward to helping you find your forward momentum.

*Note, I no longer take on (Life Coaching) clients but I am a part of a powerful global wealth-building team that can 10X your savings and cashflow. (Free membership/support) More info on the home page. Passive Income & My Wealth Creation Strategy

Life Coaching and other types of support roles are explained on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.