Life Coaching

How to set goals in life

life goal settingBefore we look at how to set goals in life we need to get clear on goals versus should.  A lot of people get the two confused.  We go around believing that our shoulds are our goals.  So what is the difference?  A should is a goal that you think you should want or need in order to reach another goal.  An authentic goal allows choice.  It can be freely set, changed, or abandoned with little to no resistance or emotional reaction.  A should is rife with risk, consequences, and potential condemnation.

Setting goals in life

Okay now that we have a better idea of the difference how do we set goals in life?  I like to start by asking myself a question, something like if you knew you would not fail and time and money were not issues, what two things would you most like to have, accomplish, or work toward?  You could also ask yourself a question based on time, something like what specifically would you like to achieve over the next year? If you find yourself being drained and needing the effort to work on your goal, maybe that particular goal is the wrong goal.  A coach can be a great help to you in figuring out your life goals and the action steps to take in achieving them.

Setting goals types

There are three types of goals internal, external, and skills.  Internal goals can be changes you want to make on the inside, growing up, raising standards, attitude change, and clarifying values.  External goals involve the physical self, both wants, and needs.  Like having a new car, job, clothes, house, or growing your business or savings.  Skills are goals that help you do something better, such as problem-solving, relating, communicating, decisions.

How to set goals in life:  Goal base

Okay, you have a couple of goals in mind, now what?  You need to take a look at the goal base.  Depending on the goal base you may continue down the road with your goal and plan your action steps or you may discover like I said earlier this goal or goals is not really what you want and may not serve you (such as a should).

A few examples of goal bases are as follows:  Integrity:  This goal is set because you need to restore balance, honesty, integrity, and/or order.  Vision:  This goal is set because you have a solid vision of what you want to achieve and a general sense of how.  Reaction:  This goal is set because you do not like what you have.  These are generally done of out frustration, outside influences, and/or tolerances.  They tend to be reactionary and need to be honestly evaluated.

Shift:  These are goals that can or will make radical shifts or leaps and are a good thing.  Shoulds:  I mentioned these at the top of this.  These are goals that are an effort to accomplish, are expensive, and may not be necessary.  Too big:  Big is fun and sometimes necessary for huge leaps in your growth, but goals that are too big can invite disaster.  If then:  This one I think we all have dealt with at times.  If I do this, then I can do that.  Setting goals can succeed, but can sometimes be wasteful.

Goal setting in life questions

Okay by now you have probably gone back over your goal or goals and reworked them maybe even dropped a few.  Now see if you can honestly answer yes to the following questions. Are you setting this goal for the right reasons?  Can you attain this goal?  Is this goal a priority?  Does this goal meet your existing wants and/or needs?  Is this goal too big or big enough?  Does this goal align with your personal foundation?  Do you have a vision for this goal?

Setting goals in your life

how-to-set-goals-in-lifeNow here is something I really want you to know and it is this.  Your present can be perfect and no goal achievement will make it perfect.  Life can dish up really hard lessons through poor choices a coach can help you get clear on your goals and make sure they are in line with you and where you are going in life.  Now that you have narrowed down your goals and got more focus to write them down and check in periodically with how they are progressing.

A coach can help you here with the specific actions you would need to take in order to move toward your goal or goals.  Once you start getting clear on how to set goals in life you will find they can be fun to set and some of your goals you will achieve quickly.  Others you will decide to just drop realizing they were draining your energy and time.

I Hope You Found These Goal Setting Tips Helpful!

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