Life Coaching

How to set goals in life

life goal settingBefore we look at how to set goals in life we need to get clear on goals versus should.  A lot of people get the two confused.  We go around believing that our shoulds are our goals.  So what is the difference?  A should is a goal that you think you should want or need in order to reach another goal.  An authentic goal allows choice.  It can be freely set, changed, or abandoned with little to no resistance or emotional reaction.  A should is rife with risk, consequences, and potential condemnation.

Setting goals in life

Okay now that we have a better idea of the difference how do we set goals in life?  I like to start by asking myself a question, something like if you knew you would not fail and time and money were not issues, what two things would you most like to have, accomplish, or work toward?  You could also ask yourself a question based on time, something like what specifically would you like to achieve over the next year? If you find yourself being drained and needing the effort to work on your goal, maybe that particular goal is the wrong goal.  A coach can be a great help to you in figuring out your life goals and the action steps to take in achieving them.

Setting goals types

There are three types of goals internal, external, and skills.  Internal goals can be changes you want to make on the inside, growing up, raising standards, attitude change, and clarifying values.  External goals involve the physical self, both wants, and needs.  Like having a new car, job, clothes, house, or growing your business or savings.  Skills are goals that help you do something better, such as problem-solving, relating, communicating, decisions.

How to set goals in life:  Goal base

Okay, you have a couple of goals in mind, now what?  You need to take a look at the goal base.  Depending on the goal base you may continue down the road with your goal and plan your action steps or you may discover like I said earlier this goal or goals is not really what you want and may not serve you (such as a should).

A few examples of goal bases are as follows:  Integrity:  This goal is set because you need to restore balance, honesty, integrity, and/or order.  Vision:  This goal is set because you have a solid vision of what you want to achieve and a general sense of how.  Reaction:  This goal is set because you do not like what you have.  These are generally done of out frustration, outside influences, and/or tolerances.  They tend to be reactionary and need to be honestly evaluated.

Shift:  These are goals that can or will make radical shifts or leaps and are a good thing.  Shoulds:  I mentioned these at the top of this.  These are goals that are an effort to accomplish, are expensive, and may not be necessary.  Too big:  Big is fun and sometimes necessary for huge leaps in your growth, but goals that are too big can invite disaster.  If then:  This one I think we all have dealt with at times.  If I do this, then I can do that.  Setting goals can succeed, but can sometimes be wasteful.

Goal setting in life questions

Okay by now you have probably gone back over your goal or goals and reworked them maybe even dropped a few.  Now see if you can honestly answer yes to the following questions. Are you setting this goal for the right reasons?  Can you attain this goal?  Is this goal a priority?  Does this goal meet your existing wants and/or needs?  Is this goal too big or big enough?  Does this goal align with your personal foundation?  Do you have a vision for this goal?

Setting goals in your life

how-to-set-goals-in-lifeNow here is something I really want you to know and it is this.  Your present can be perfect and no goal achievement will make it perfect.  Life can dish up really hard lessons through poor choices a coach can help you get clear on your goals and make sure they are in line with you and where you are going in life.  Now that you have narrowed down your goals and got more focus to write them down and check in periodically with how they are progressing.

A coach can help you here with the specific actions you would need to take in order to move toward your goal or goals.  Once you start getting clear on how to set goals in life you will find they can be fun to set and some of your goals you will achieve quickly.  Others you will decide to just drop realizing they were draining your energy and time.

I Hope You Found These Goal Setting Tips Helpful!

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coaching Life Coaching

How does online life coaching work

howdoesonlinelifecoachingworkYou have probably heard people talking about life coaching and are curious about it.  Life coaching is to help you get clarity, insight, and focus on things that are important to you right now and in the future.  They are your partner, sounding board, motivation, unconditional support, co-designer, and wake-up call.  Life coaches work in person and/or online, in retreats and/or in groups.  So how does online life coaching work?  With online coaching, I typically call the client for a session.  My sessions run from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, 3 times or 2 times a month, but that can vary from life coach to life coach.  The client decides what they want to cover in a session, for example how to achieve personal goals and the session proceeds.  Online life coaching is convenient for both the client and the coach.  It also allows the client to fit coaching into their busy schedule.  Is life coaching for you?  Try my complimentary discovery session and see.

Online Life Coaching Sample

The following is an online life coaching example.  My client’s name is Jane.  When Jane got in touch with me I gave her the option of I call her home phone or cellphone or I call her on Skype.  For her convenience, she chose her cellphone for me to call her.  This was our first 45-minute session.

It is 7:59 a.m. and I am dialing Jane’s number for our call scheduled at 8 a.m.  Hello!  Hi Jane, this is Kristal.  How are you?  Hi Kristal!  I am okay.  How are you?  I am great.  Nice to meet you.  Yes, nice to meet you too.  What would you like to work on in our 45 minutes today?  I want to get healthy.  I know I should eat better, but I am not sure where to start.  Okay, what are you currently eating?  Well I have cereal for breakfast and lunch is usually leftovers from dinner the night before and then for dinner, I usually make hamburgers or chicken and some sort of side dish that comes in a box.

What snacks are you eating?  Sometimes in the afternoon, I will hit the vending machine for a soda and a candy bar or chips.  I also have a bag of chips at home and sometimes cookies or crackers I munch on at night around dinner.  What is your definition of eating better?  Well, I know soda and junk food are bad for me, but I also think I should get more veggies and fruits in my diet.  I have been looking at a plant-based diet and am not sure how to go about that.  What veggies do you like the most?  Let’s see I like green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, and cauliflower.  How do you eat them now?  Well, I don’t usually.  I eat those boxed side dishes so unless they are in there I am not eating them.

Okay so, do you make anything from a recipe?  Yes, there are a few things I make from recipes.  Where do you get your recipes?  I have a bunch of cookbooks I have gotten over the years.  How about going through your cookbooks and looking for recipes specifically for those veggies you mentioned that you like?  I could do that this week.  Yeah wow, that is something I can do.  Okay now how about changing out some of those side dishes for those veggie recipes you find this week?  Well, I can give it a try.  Yeah, I do like trying new recipes and I do have a lot of cookbooks.  That never even crossed my mind.  Wow!

So Jane we have about 10 minutes left in our session.  Do you want to continue with this topic or would you like to end it here for today?  Well, I think I am good for today.  I can work on some new recipes this week with veggies and stop using some of those boxed side dishes.  Yeah, this is definitely a place I can start with.  I can do this.  Okay then we will talk next week same time and you can tell me how this is working for you.  Yes!  Thank you so much, Kristal.  This has been amazing.  I can’t wait to speak with you next week.  Take care now, bye.  Bye Jane have a good week.

Online Life Coaching

Now keep in mind this is an example.  Your session with me may be similar but the topic for that session can be way different for you.  Each session I conduct is around the topic you wish to work on at that time.  If you work through that topic and there is time left in our session, then we can start on another topic if you want to.  If you would like a complimentary session you can leave me a message on my contact form.  Looking forward to helping you find your forward momentum.

*Note, I no longer take on (Life Coaching) clients but I am a part of a powerful global wealth-building team that can 10X your savings and cashflow. (Free membership/support) More info on the home page. Passive Income & My Wealth Creation Strategy

Life Coaching and other types of support roles are explained on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Life Coaching

Therapists vs. life coaches

Therapists or Life Coaches? The Biggest Differences and Similarities

Therapy and counseling are two types of mental health services with different goals and methods. Counseling is often seen as a more affordable and accessible option for those who need it.

Therapists are trained to deal with people who have mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, or addiction. They usually provide therapy sessions in an office setting. However, some therapists will offer their services over the phone or via video call.

Counselors are not trained to diagnose mental illnesses, but they can help people manage their problems through talk therapy sessions that take place in a counselor’s office or other settings like a school or workplace.

Counselors are not trained to diagnose mental illnesses. Still, they can help people manage their problems through talk therapy sessions in a counselor’s office or other settings like a school or workplace.


  • Therapists are trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders, while life coaches focus on helping clients set and achieve goals.
  • Therapists typically require a license or certification to practice, while life coaching is an unregulated field.
  • Therapy sessions may be covered by insurance, while life coaching sessions are usually paid for out of pocket.
  • Therapists often use evidence-based interventions, while life coaches may use a variety of techniques without necessarily relying on scientific research.


  • Both therapists and life coaches provide one-on-one support to help clients work through personal or emotional issues.
  • Both professions require good listening and communication skills to build trust and rapport with clients.
  • Both therapists and life coaches may use similar techniques, such as active listening

What is a Therapist?

A therapist is a person who provides psychotherapy or counseling to patients.

Therapists vs life coaches

Therapists help their patients identify and understand the problems in their life and then work with them to find solutions. They are not doctors but can prescribe medications for their patients when appropriate.

Therapists work in many different settings, most often in private practices, hospitals, schools, businesses, and government agencies.

The Pros and Cons of Therapy

Therapy is a healing process that helps people overcome psychological and emotional problems. It can be done through different approaches, such as psychotherapy or counseling. Therapy has been proven to have therapeutic benefits for people with mental illness, and it has also been known to help people who are not mentally ill but are seeking self-improvement.

Therapy can benefit many people suffering from mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression. It can also help those who are not mentally ill but want to improve themselves. However, there are some downsides of therapy that should be considered before deciding to go into treatment. For example, therapy sessions may be expensive and time-consuming. They may also require a lot of commitment from both the therapist and the client because it takes time for progress to show up in therapy sessions.

What is a Life Coach?

Life coaches are invaluable assets to those looking to make positive changes. They provide guidance and support to help individuals reach their goals and achieve their dreams. Life coaches are not therapists but mentors who help people identify and work toward their goals.

Life coaches can help individuals in many different ways. They can help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and develop strategies to reach them. They can also help individuals develop better communication skills, build self-confidence, and manage stress. Life coaches can also help individuals identify and overcome roadblocks that may prevent them from achieving their goals.

The life coach’s primary goal is to help their clients become the best version of themselves. They do this by assisting them with many aspects of their lives, including work, relationships, fitness, finances, and more.

~Coach Kristal. I practiced life coaching and moved on to “The Online Passive residual Wealth Building Business” This is the only business where you can make the kind of money that will solve a lot of problems, help a bunch of people, and have a ton of fun while doing it. It just makes sense!

How To Self Improvement

Coaching For Life

How to set big goals in life

Why hire a life coach?

How does online life coaching work

Self Improvement

How To Self Improvement

How to Increase Your Awareness and Improve Your Presence In The Moment

How to self improvement

All about mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings in the present moment.

The key to mindfulness is to be more aware of what’s going on around you. This can be achieved by practicing mindful thinking and being more present in the moment.

Practicing mindful thinking involves focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment or criticism. It also means being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Being more present in the moment means focusing your attention on what you’re doing at that very second without letting your mind wander off somewhere else or wondering about something else you have to do later on that day.

Learning how to be mindful will help you become a better version of yourself by increasing your awareness and bringing you back into the present moment so that you can enjoy life more fully.

How to Build Your Willpower Muscle By Improving The Strength Of Your Resilience Muscle

There are many ways to build up your willpower muscle. One of the most common practices is building up your resilience muscle.

The first step to building up your resilience muscle is to stop and think about what you want from life, and then start to set goals for yourself. The next step is to start taking baby steps towards those goals, practicing the small tasks that will help you achieve them.

It is important to know that it takes time and repetition for this process of building up your resilience muscle, so be patient with yourself and keep at it!

How To Find More Time For Self-Improvement In Your Busy Schedule

We all know this feeling: you have a busy schedule and you are constantly on the move. You are always doing something and never have time to do anything else. However, there is nothing more important than self-improvement.

When we are working towards our goals, we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves as well. We need to not only work on our careers or side projects but also learn new skills or work on our health and fitness.

There are many people who are always busy. They have a long to-do list and they barely have time for themselves. But it is important to take time for yourself in order to improve your mental health and stay productive.

Here are some tips for better time management:

– Make a plan of what you need to do the next day before going to bed.
– Plan your day in advance so that you know what tasks you need to complete today and tomorrow.
– Take breaks when working on something so that you don’t get tired or overwhelmed by the workload.
– Treat yourself with a treat every hour by doing something that you enjoy- Take a break from your work and do something else for an hour or two.
– If you are working on school work, try taking a break for dinner time – If you are working on homework, try taking a break when the sun goes down.
– Try being mindful of what’s going on outside of your work so that you don’t get burnt out by itMany people neglect themselves in the pursuit of success.

Tips To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves. It is how we feel about ourselves. It can be an important factor in determining how successful we are in life!

There are many ways to boost your self-esteem and make yourself feel good about yourself. Some of these ways include:

  • Praising yourself for what you do well, acknowledging your accomplishments, and feeling proud of your work
  • Telling yourself that you are a good person, worthy of love and respect
  • Spending time with people who make you feel good about yourself -Doing things that make you feel successful and capable

Self-esteem is something that we all need in order to be able to function effectively in the world. It is a feeling of self-worth, a sense of what we deserve and how we measure up to our own standards.

It is important to have a healthy level of self-esteem because it influences all other areas of life. It helps us feel better about ourselves, which makes it easier for us to take risks, be assertive and deal with criticism. It can also help people develop more meaningful relationships and better handle stressful situations.

Some people grow their self-esteem by pursuing certain activities such as knitting or painting in order to create something beautiful..Self-esteem can be developed through a variety of means. These include: One way that people develop their self-esteem is by taking on a role. For example, many people feel good about themselves because they may be a parent, a teacher, a nurse, or an office worker.

~Coach Kristal
Helping you get wealthy/passive income online

Life Coaching

Why hire a life coach?

Understanding the Benefits and Process

As we navigate through life, we often encounter obstacles and challenges that can hinder our growth and progress. Whether it’s personal or professional goals, we may feel lost or unsure of how to achieve them. This is where a life coach can be beneficial. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of hiring a life coach and the process of working with one.

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a trained professional who works with individuals to identify and achieve their goals. Unlike therapy, which focuses on healing past traumas and emotional issues, life coaching is focused on helping individuals move forward and make positive changes in their lives. Life coaches use various tools and techniques to help individuals gain clarity, set goals, and take action.

Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

There are numerous benefits to hiring a life coach, including:

Clarity and Direction

One of the primary benefits of hiring a life coach is gaining clarity and direction in your life. A life coach can help you identify what you want to achieve and develop a plan to get there.

 Increased Self-Awareness

A life coach can help you develop greater self-awareness, allowing you to understand your values, strengths, and weaknesses. This can help you make better decisions and take actions that align with your goals and values.

 Improved Accountability

A life coach provides accountability and support, helping you stay on track and motivated towards your goals. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with procrastination or self-doubt.

 Overcoming Obstacles

A life coach can help you identify and overcome obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals. This can include limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, or fear of failure.

 Increased Confidence

Working with a life coach can help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. This can help you take risks, try new things, and ultimately achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

Hi, Kristal here. I am a Life and Wellness Coach.  People hire me for all sorts of reasons.  They want to make significant changes, they want to better deal with uncertainty, they want to make better decisions, they want to set better goals or reach their goals faster, they want to get ahead professionally, they want to have a collaborative partner, they want to improve their relationships, they want to improve their health, and more.  When you are my client our sessions are all about you.  What you want to work on, what is on your mind, how you are growing, where you are stuck.  I acknowledge how hard you work and partner with you to find solutions and take action.

Tolerations in life

I have my own coach and it is really powerful to have 45 minutes to work on whatever I need to resolve or just be heard about something bugging me.  As your coach, I help you go deeper to figure out your true values and your integrity to decide what changes need to be made or what can be left behind because it no longer serves you.  As your coach, we can work on things like tolerations.  I was amazed when I started working on mine how those little items, like fixing a door handle, can drain on you without you even realizing it.  You know what I mean those items around the house that we are going to fix or change someday.  When you stop and really think about it how many days have gone by and those things are still not fixed?  They drain our energy, a lot of times without us really being aware of it.  Just try this go fix something small that you have been putting up with and see how you feel, amazing isn’t it?  I, as your coach, help you find those things and help you work through them, and trust me when I say this there are a lot of tolerations you are putting up with.

So, why hire a life coach?  Besides tolerations in our homes, there are things that you want to work on for yourself.  Maybe you would like to be more patient, maybe you would like to find some free time to garden or do something creative, maybe you would like to speak up more, and the list goes on.  As your coach I partner with you to find out what your interests are, your likes and dislikes, what motivates you, and what slows you down, then I partner with you to tailor steps or actions that work for you.  Everybody wants to live their best life, to enjoy this journey we are all on as your coach I partner with you to help you achieve that.  Our sessions are always about you and only you.  I am here to listen to you.  I appreciate what you have to say and where you are on your journey.  As your coach, I am here to help you bridge that gap from where you are now to where you want to be next week, month, year, or even year.

Being really heard

There are many, many reasons to hire a life coach, but one of the biggest I find is that it is all about you and only you and I cannot stress that enough.  At the end of your work day, you come home and your spouse asks how was your day?  So you tell them how great or how awful it was and your spouse says oh and then goes on to talk about their day.  They really do not listen to you.  They mean well and they may hear you, but they usually don’t spend the next 45 minutes asking questions and going deeper into what you are talking about.  They want to talk about their day as well or while you are speaking they are thinking of a relatable story of their own.  A life coach does not do that.  Sessions are only about you.  We partner with you to explore new areas or take a hard look at old areas.  As a life coach, we look forward, not backward.  Life coaches help you move forward.  I am all about your growth and your changes.

I am your life coach your cheerleader.  Whatever it is you want to change even if it is yourself.  I talk to you as you.  I am not talking to you as your parent or your spouse or your boss.  As your coach, we work on what is important to you and we figure out steps that are in alignment with who you are.  Having a life coach is life-changing.  Most people have someone in their lives they can talk to about things, but they don’t have that person that is really listening to them, acknowledging where they are, and partnering with them so they can move forward.  As your coach, I work hard to understand where you are right now and where you want to be.

There are as many options for meeting with your life coach as there are life coaches.  Each life coach has his or her own way of meeting clients.  Some life coaches call you at a set time, some life coaches have you call them at a set time, some life coaches have offices that you can go to and meet face to face with them, and other life coaches do all their meetings online.  I wrote about how online life coaching work.  Click here to read that post.  The absolute best way to find out why hire a life coach is to book a complimentary discovery session with me and see how it all works.

*Note. I’m no longer taking on new clients. But I am part of a powerful global personal wealth-building support team and you are welcome to join us! More info on the home page. Global Wealth Building Movement